To Signalize or not to Signalize: MUTCD Warrants (Signal Warrant and Intersection Control Analysis)
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Virtual Classroom
For More Information:
Carly Keane
240 304 9627
The To Signalize or Not To Signalize Course instructed by Dane Ismart(link is external) covers the MUTCD criteria for determining whether the installation of a traffic control signal is justified at a particular location. The course includes an analysis of the factors for existing operations and safety at study locations and the potential to improve these conditions. The following warrants are discussed in detail and include:
Warrant 1 – Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume
Warrant 2 – Four-Hour Vehicular Volume
Warrant 3 – Peak Hour
Warrant 4 – Pedestrian Volumes
Warrant 5 – School Crossing
Warrant 6 – Coordinated Signal System
Warrant 7 - Crash Experience
Warrant 8 – Roadway Network
Warrant 9 – Intersection Near a Railroad Grade Crossing
The course will also cover warrants for four-way stops as well as alternatives to traffic control signals. A detailed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages both in the terms of capacity and safety of various types of traffic controls will be presented. The basis for both the installation and the removal of traffic control devices will be discussed.
As part of the course, workshop problems will be given to the class participants. The class will be provided intersection field data and will determine if signals are warranted for the sample intersections. After completing the intersection analysis. MUTCD signal analysis software will be demonstrated and the workshop problems will be evaluated based on the microcomputer analysis.
Who Should Attend: Traffic Engineers and transportation planners involved in the design and planning of corridors and intersections.
Professional Development Hours: 6.0. Registration Fee: This 6-hour virtual classroom course has a $45 registration fee.