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TRAFFAX Awarded in Competition

TRAFFAX Awarded in Competition

Pictured above is CATT Director Philip Tarnoff (left) with other finalists in the University of Maryland's Business Plan Competition.
Pictured above is CATT Director Philip Tarnoff (left) with other finalists in the University of Maryland's Business Plan Competition.

The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology (CATT) is proud to announce employees Stanley Young and Nicholas Ganig, and CATT Director Philip Tarnoff received second place in the University of Maryland’s Business Plan Competition.

CATT employees Young, Ganig, and Tarnoff entered a business plan for their company TRAFFAX, Inc, which designs, produces and licenses equipment and systems to measure the flow of vehicle traffic and pedestrians based on technology that detects and monitors electronic emissions from consumer electronic devices. The TRAFFAX technology overcomes disadvantages of existing systems in that it is accurate, inexpensive and protects individual privacy.

The competition includes three categories; Faculty/Graduate Student, Alumni, and Undergraduate, a winner from each category will be chosen and out of the three category winners a grand champion will be chosen and awarded $50,000. The awards were announced on May 9, TRAFFAX received a plaque and a $2,000 award for placing second in the Faculty/Graduate Student category.

For more information about the Business Plan competition visit:

May 16, 2008

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