News Story
Tarnoff Offers Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Recommendation, Gets Media AttentionPhilip Tarnoff, director of the Center for Integrated transportation Systems Management (CITSM) at the Univeristy of Maryland served as chairman of the review panel of the Interstate 64 West Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT). The panel was responsible for reviewing the current operations and procedures and recommendations to improve the management of the tunnel, the review and recommendations were presented to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Commissioner David S. Ekern. After the review Virginia Secretary of Transportation Pierce Homer publicly thanked the University of Maryland for Tarnoff’s efforts leading the commission. Below is the media coverage the review panel recommendation received:
About CITSM The Center for Integrated Transportation Systems Management (CITSM) located within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the A. James Clarck School of Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park was established as a tier I university transportation center in 2008. The goal of the center is the Development of Advanced Technology, Improved Processes, and Enhanced Organizational Structures for the Integrated Management and Operation of Transportation Facilities and Corridors. For more information about CITSM, visit
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