NCHRP 20-7 Guide to Benchmarking Operations Performance Measures
Building upon the National Transportation Operations Coalition initiative from 2004-05 to “define and document a few good measures”, this project refines and advances the performance measures by piloting a number of measures through the cooperation of volunteer organizations. The results from the pilot tests are used to determine the usefulness of the measures, to further refine their definition, and to develop implementation guidelines for the measures.
Moving this effort forward, a workshop was held in February of 2007. Based upon input from this workshop, each of the performance measures originally identified in the NTOC initiative was updated in preparation for pilot testing. Cooperating organizations submitted performance measure data as well as comments on costs, applications, and technical issues during 2007. The results of these piolt tests are documented in the final report and used to further refine the performance measure definitions. An overall guide for implementing performance measures incorporating information learned from pilot testing will be compiled and made available through NCHRP.
Final Report
- Preliminary Draft (pdf)
(Posted February 7, 2008) - APPENDIX A - Refined Performance Measures Definitions (pdf)
(Rev. 4.1 February 7, 2008) - APPENDIX B - Implementation Guide (pdf)
(Posted February 7, 2008) - APPENDIX C - Participant Workshop Minutes (pdf)
(Posted February 7, 2008) - APPENDIX D - Analysis of Sample Size (pdf)
(Posted February 7, 2008) - APPENDIX E - Conference Calls Summaries (pdf)
(Posted February 7, 2008)
December 20 Conference Call
- Agenda (pdf)
- Discussion Slides (pdf)
Summaries of Pilot Test Results:
- Customer Satisfaction (pdf)
(Updated December 18, 2007) - Incident Duration (pdf)
(Updated December 18, 2007) - Traffic Flow Measures (pdf)
(Updated December 20, 2007)
Implementation Guidelines:
- Customer Satisfaction Guidelines - Draft (pdf)
(Posted December 14, 2007) - Incident Duration Guidelines - Draft (pdf)
(Posted December 14, 2007) - Traffic Flow Measures Guidelines (pdf)
(Posted February 7, 2008)
Links to Project Documents:
- 2005 NTOC Final Report (pdf)
- Refined Performance Measures Definitions (pdf)
(Rev 4 February 7, 2008) - Minutes from the Feb 2007 Project Participants Meeting (pdf)
- Statistical Patterns of Variance in Sampled Speed and Volume Data (pdf)
This paper analyzes sample variance in speed and volume data to better estimate minimum sampling parameters.
Pilot Testing:
- Colorado Department of Transportation:
Synopsis of Pilot Testing Scenario (pdf) - Florida Department of Transportation District 4:
Synopsis of Pilot Testing Scenario (pdf)
Explanation of FDOT D4 ITS Performance Measures (pdf)
Customer Satisfaction Survey Results 2006 (pdf)
Sample of Weekly Incident Report (pdf)
Florida Department of Transportation District 5:
Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA):
- Synopsis of Pilot Testing Scenario (pdf)
- Results Worksheets (pdf)
- 2006 Atlanta Freeway Travel Time Report (pdf)
- 2006 Atlanta Buffer Time Index Report (pdf)
Kansas, City of Overland Park:
- Synopsis of Pilot Test Scenario (pdf)
- Results Worksheet - Customer Satisfaction (pdf)
- Results Worksheet - Incident Duration (pdf)
- Results Worksheet - Travel Time - Facility (pdf)
- 2007 Results from Customer Survey of Dynamic Message Signs (pdf)
- 2006 Travel Time Run Report (pdf)
Kansas City Scout:
Maricopa Association of Governments:
- Pilot Test Synopsis and Results (pdf)
- Washington State Department of Transportation:
Synopsis of Pilot Testing Scenario (pdf)
Excerpt from 2006 Congestion Report (pdf)
Incident Response Report (pdf)